This document is a laboratory test result for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) for an individual named Aidar Kuzembayev, dated October 6, 2021. The test uses a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method to detect the presence of COVID-19 RNA in the individual’s sample.
Beggining of the the Translation ǀ Transliteration ǀ test 1
Kazakhstan Republic Ministry of Healthcare Medical license # 21005108 issued by the Almaty Department of the Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25 October 2010. Name of the company: LLP “INVIVO”
Research Result
Full Name: Xyx XYZ ….
Date of Birth: 06.08.19TT
Individual Identification Number (IIN): 950806351489
Gender: Male
Address: Atyrau Region, Kulsary City, Provokzalnaya Street, House 6
Date of Biomaterial Delivery: 05.10.2021 15:19
Registration: 05.10.2021 15:19
Results are Ready: 06.10.2021 12:36
Print Date: 06.10.2021 12:48
Polymerase Chain Reaction Real-Time (PCR RT)
Indicator | Result | Norm | Unit of Measurement |
Detection of COVID-19 RNA (SARS-CoV-2) | Positive | Negative | – |
Responsible Person: T.T. Tulegen
The results of the same studies performed using different methods or equipment may differ. The obtained results of laboratory tests are not a diagnosis and require consultation with the attending doctor.
Verification of Results: ISO 9001 / ISO 15189
Contact: 89098989898989
End of Document
Original E-TICKET 1

Kazakhstan Republic Ministry of Healthcare
Medical license # 21005108 issued by the Almaty Department of the Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 25 October 2010.
Name of the company: LLP “INVIVO”
Research Result
Full Name:hurfhoseihslkfha ak;sljd;lasjd;skajd ljfk;hflksdhflsd
Date of Birth: 06.08.1995
Individual Identification Number (IIN): 950806351489
Gender: Male
Address: Atyrau Region, Kulsary City, Provokzalnaya Street, House 6
Date of Biomaterial Delivery: 26.10.2021 13:52
Registration Date: 26.10.2021 13:52
Date the Results are Ready: 27.10.2021 22:11
Print Date: 27.10.2021 22:15
Polymerase Chain Reaction Real-Time (PCR RT)
Indicator | Result | Norm | Unit of Measurement |
Detection of COVID-19 RNA (SARS-CoV-2) | Positive | Negative | – |
Responsible Person: Razakova Meyuert
The results of the same studies performed using different methods or equipment may differ. The obtained results of laboratory tests are not a diagnosis and require consultation with the attending doctor.
Verification of Results: ISO 9001 / ISO 15189
Contact: +7 (727) 339 04 80
Original E-TICKET 2

End of the Translation ǀ Transliteration of laboratory test result for COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)
Date: _11.11.2024___
Russian / Русский
Министерство здравоохранения Республики Казахстан
Медицинская лицензия № 21005108, выданная Департаментом Комитета контроля качества и безопасности товаров и услуг Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан в г. Алматы от 25 октября 2010 года.
Наименование компании: ТОО «INVIVO»
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