If you need an interpreter for a private business meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, I can provide consecutive interpretation services. I am knowledgeable in the terminology of gas processing, shipbuilding, international transportation, and financing, which are relevant topics for your upcoming meeting regarding the construction of a methanol plant in Volgograd. You can reach me via phone or WhatsApp at +41 (0)78696 1846, and I would be happy to discuss further details about the interpretation services that I can provide for your business meeting in Zurich.

+41 78 696 1846 Tel./What’s App – Switzerland, ✉ [email protected]
We have business interpreters from Russian in the following languages: German, English, and Italian.
Перевод в Швейцарии для русских представителей.
В 2022 году в Швейцарии пройдут научные и бизнес конференции. На всех событиях будут работать квалифицированные переводчики с русского языка на английский. Наша команда Russian-English.com предоставит специалистов в любом городе Швейцарии. Мы работаем в Цюрихе, Женеве, Базеле, Лозанне и Берн
Interpretation specialization:
Business and Administration
Pharmaceutical and Medical
Advertising and Public Relation
Agriculture and Environmental