Russian-English assistant and a professional Interpreter in Glasgow, Scotland the largest city in Scotland, as well as the fourth most populous in the whole of the UK, behind only London, Birmingham, and Leeds. But the difference with Scottish city of Edinburgh is not too significant: 635 thousand people against 524 thousand.

Russian-English professional Interpreter in Glasgow and Edinburg
Edinburgh is known for its many sights and museums that are definitely worth seeing. The National Gallery of Scotland presents paintings by Vermeer, Rubens, Titian, Tintoretto, Van Dyck, El Greco, Rembrandt, Watteau, Gainsborough, Monet, Gauguin, Pissarro, Cezanne and other great artists.
It is believed that the Scots are descendants of the Scott Goidelic Celts, who migrated from Antrim in present-day Northern Ireland to Argyll on the west coast of Scotland by sea