СПРАВКА О ДОХОДАХ ФИЗЛИЦА ПЕРЕВОД НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ: Пожалуйста, предоставьте текст «СПРАВКИ О ДОХОДАХ ФИЗИЧЕСКОГО ЛИЦА» на русском языке, и мы оперативно переведем его на английский. Если у вас уже есть готовый документ, вы можете загрузить его, и мы позаботимся о переводе. Загрузите текст для быстрого и точного перевода на английский язык на [email protected].

Please provide the text of the “INCOME STATEMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL” in Russian, and we will promptly translate it into English. If you already have the document ready, you can upload it, and we’ll take care of the translation. Upload the text for a quick and accurate translation into English at [email protected].
Перевод Справки о Доходах Физического Лица на Английский
(Document barcode number: 39908018)
Appendix No. 1 |
to the Order of the FNS of Russia |
FNS (Federal Tax Service) |
dated 30.10.2015 |
No. MMV-7_11/485@ |
Form 2-NDFL |
Code according to KND 1151078 |
KND (Income Type Codes) |
for 2016 year | N 1 | issued 03.08.2023 |
Type 1 | Number of corrections 00 | IFNS (Code) 7714 |
IFNS (Inspection of the Federal Tax Service) |
1. Information about the tax agent
Code according to OKTMO 45333000 | Phone +7 (495) 941-61-64 | INN 7709602209 | KPP 771401001 |
OKTMO (Russian Classification of Municipal Territories) | INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) | KPP (Tax Registration Reason Code) | |
Tax Agent | Limited Liability Company “ANT YAPY” |
2. Information about the individual – recipient of the income
TIN in the Russian Federation | TIN in the country of citizenship | |
Surname Lacin | First name Fikret | Patronymic name* |
Еaxpayer status 1 | Date of Birth 01.01.1988 | Citizenship (country code) 792 |
Code of the Identity Document: 10 | Series and Number of the Document U09324647 | |
Residential Address in Russian Federation: | Post Code 103274 | Region Code 77 |
District | City | Settlement |
Street Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya | Building 16A House number | Apartment |
Сountry of residence code | Address |
3. Incomes taxed at the rate of 13%
Month | Income Code | Income Amount | Deduction Code | Deduction Amount | Month | Income Code | Income Amount | Deduction Code | Deduction Amount |
7 | 2000 | 14,055.56 | 10 | 2000 | 16,500.00 | ||||
7 | 2530 | 4,140.00 | 10 | 2530 | 4,860.00 | ||||
8 | 2000 | 16,500.00 | 11 | 2000 | 17,300.00 | ||||
8 | 2530 | 4,680.00 | 11 | 2530 | 4,500.00 | ||||
9 | 2000 | 16,500.00 | 12 | 2000 | 17,300.00 | ||||
9 | 2530 | 4,680.00 | 12 | 2530 | 4,860.00 |
4. Standard, social, investment and property tax deductions
Deduction Code | Deduction Amount | Deduction Code | Deduction Amount | Deduction Code | Deduction Amount | Deduction Code | Deduction Amount |
Notification, confirming the right to social tax deduction: No. ____ Date _____ IFNS code ____
Notification, confirming the right to property tax deduction: No. ____ Date _____ IFNS code ____
5. Total income and tax amounts
Total income amount | 125 875.56 | Withheld tax amount | 16 364 |
Tax basis | 125 875.56 | Transferred tax amount | 0 |
Assessed tax amount | 16 364 | Tax amount, overdeducted by tax agent | 0 |
Amount of fixed advance payments | 0 | Tax amount, not deducted by tax agent | 0 |
Notification confirming the right
to deduction of tax on fixed advance payments:No. ____ Date _____ IFNS Code ____
Tax agent (1 – tax agent, 2 – authorized representative): 1
Shelykhova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Name of the document confirming representative’s powers_____
*Patronymic name to be stated, if any
Stamp(Stamp: Partially illegible. Unable to fully translate due to poor quality / damage / illegibility) , OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) 10 146585918 * MOSCOW * Limited Liability Company * ANT YAPY
Перевод Справки о Доходах Физического Лица на Английский
This is an accurate and complete translation of the original Form 2-NDFL document from Russian into English, completed on 04.08.2023 by the UK office of TVDATA Ltd.
Official translator: Oxana Selekhova.
Contact details: [email protected] / Phone: +447922274952 / Website: russian-english.com 🌐