Linguistic Services in Europe

Russian – English is a professional and registered company whose aim is to provide high standard Linguistic services in Europe and the United Kingdom.

Linguistic services provide interpreting and translation for various industries, for example, confidential Business interpreting. Besides, we interpret and translate for the agricultural industry, architecture, automatic equipment and robotics, automotive industry and more.

Linguistic services in Europe and the United Kingdom: Russian – English Interpreter and translator

Russian language interpreter in the United Kingdom. Linguistic services in Switzerland.

Chemistry and chemical technologies | Cinema and television | Commerce | Construction, construction equipment | Finance and credit | Textile industry | Equipment and technologies |  Film and cinema interpreting

Here we present some of our Swiss-based interpreters and translators:

Oxana Selekhova, Russian English Interpreter

Oxana Selekhova is a Russian English Interpreter in Switzerland. Her work includes five years of interpreting and translation experience in England. Besides, she translated and interpreted for five years for political, social and economic events across Europe. She is an accurate translator and interpreter and excels at self-revision. She has knowledge of a broad range of subjects. It includes but not limited to political, social, legal, financial, and technical expertise. In addition, she acquired a lot of practice with on-screen subtitle translation and voice-over in Russian and English languages for various news companies.

Demand for Russian linguistic services in Europe 

The demand for Russian linguistic services in Europe can vary depending on the country and the specific industry or sector. In general, Russian is a widely-used language in Europe, particularly in countries that have historical or political ties with Russia, such as Ukraine, Belarus, and some Baltic states.

There is a demand for Russian language skills in the business sector, as many European companies have trade and investment interests in Russia. This creates a demand for Russian-speaking professionals and translators who can facilitate communication and provide support for businesses operating in the Russian market.

Russian is a widely-used language in Europe

There is also a demand for Russian language skills in the tourism industry, as Russia is a popular tourist destination for Europeans. Tour operators, travel agents, and other service providers in the tourism industry often require Russian-speaking employees to provide support and assistance to Russian-speaking tourists.

In general, the demand for Russian linguistic services in Europe can vary depending on political and economic conditions, as well as the level of economic development and the size of the Russian-speaking community in each country. It is difficult to predict future demand, but Russian is likely to remain a widely-used language in Europe, and there will likely be ongoing demand for Russian linguistic services in various industries and sectors.

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