Our team at Russian-English.com provides a professional translator who is fluent in both Russian and English and has experience in translating medical documents. Our translator will translate the document, ensuring that the translation is accurate, clear, and concise. We will also format the translation to match the original document, including any headings or section titles.
Experience in translating medical documents
We have a professional translator who is fluent in both Russian and English

Please provide us with the text you need to be translated or a copy of your report in Russian. Also, please let me know if there are any specific medical terms or nuances that need to be considered for accurate translation.
Russian | English |
п р о р а с т а н и е м л и м ф а д е н о п а т и я . П о л о ж и т е л ь н а я д и н а м и к а . 1 2 . 1 0 . 2 1 г Э Х О К Г : Ф В – 6 7 % . О б щ и й а н а л и з к р о в и 0 4 . 0 5 . 2 2 г Н в – 1 0 9 г \ л ; Э р – 3 , 7 т \ л ; Л – 3 . 7 г \ л , Н t – ; Т р – 3 4 0 г \ л ; Ц П – 0 . 7 7 ; С О Э – 3 6 м м \ ч а с . Б и о х и м и ч е с к и й а н а л и з к р о в и : П е ч . п р о б ы : А с т 2 5 U \ L ; А л т 2 0 U \ L Б и л и р у б и н : о б щ и й – 8 м к м о л ь \ л ; Т и м о л . П р о б а 0 . 7 Е д \ S H ; М о ч е в и н а – 3 . 6 м м о л ь \ Л ; К р е а т и н и н 7 8 м к м о л ь \ л ; О б щ и й б е л о к – 8 2 г \ л ; Г л ю к о з а к р о в и – 5 . 6 м м о л ь \ л Р е к о м е н д а ц и я п р и в ы п и с к е : | Based on the text provided, here’s a translation: “Diagnosis: Lymphadenopathy with a favourable trend. ECG on 12.10.21: EF – 67%. General blood analysis on 04.05.22: Hb – 109 g/L; Er – 3.7 T/L; L – 3.7 g/L; Ht – ; Tr – 340 g/L; CP – 0.77; SOE – 36 mm/h. Biochemical blood analysis: Liver function tests: AST 25 U/L; ALT 20 U/L. Bilirubin: total – 8 µmol/L; direct – 0.7 µmol/L. Urea – 3.6 mmol/L; Creatinine – 78 µmol/L; Total protein – 82 g/L; Blood glucose – 5.6 mmol/L. Recommendation: discharge from hospital.” |
We consider medical terms or nuances for accurate translation
If you have a medical report in the Russian Language that you need reviewed for accuracy in the United Kingdom. We recommended that you consult with a qualified medical professional or seek the medical services in teh UK. But first of a professional translator who is experienced in translating medical documents has To translate a medical report from Russian into English. At Russian-English.com we can follow some steps:
Forstly you need to obtain a copy of the medical report in Russian langauge
Determine if you need a certified translation. If the medical report is needed for official purposes, such as for immigration or legal matters, you may need a certified translation that is recognized by the relevant authorities.
Provide the translator with the medical report and any additional information about the context and purpose of the translation. It may be helpful to provide a glossary of any specific medical terms or acronyms that are unique to the report.
we review the translation carefully to ensure that all information is accurate
Once the translation is complete, we review it carefully to ensure that all information has been accurately translated from Russian to English or vice versa. If there are any errors or omissions, provide feedback to the translator to make necessary revisions.
Accurately translated from Russian to English
medical reports may contain sensitive and confidential information
If you need a certified translation, the translator will provide a signed statement attesting to the accuracy of the translation and the translator’s credentials. Please note that medical reports may contain sensitive and confidential information, so we ensure that the translator handles it with appropriate confidentiality and security measures.
In the UK, the process for obtaining a certified translation is relatively straightforward, but there are certain key points to be aware of:
Translator’s Credentials:
It’s vital that the translator or translation agency is reputable. While the UK does not have an official system of sworn translators as some other countries do, many professional bodies, such as the Institute of Translation & Interpreting (ITI) or the Chartered Institute of Linguists (CIOL), have directories of qualified and vetted translators.
- Certified Translation: A certified translation in the UK usually comes with a stamped document from the translation company or an accompanying letterhead that includes a declaration stating the accuracy of the translation. This statement is signed by the translator or a representative of the translation company.
- Confidentiality: Regarding sensitive documents like medical reports, translators or translation agencies are ethically (and often contractually) bound to maintain confidentiality. If this is a concern, you can also ask the translator to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before they start work.
- Official Use: If you require the translation for official purposes (e.g., for UK courts or the Home Office), it’s essential to ensure that the translation is accepted by the relevant bodies. Generally, a translation by a reputable agency or a member of a recognized professional body will suffice.
- Apostille & Legalisation: In some cases, merely having a certified translation is not enough. If the document is going to be used outside the UK or is from outside the UK and intended for use within the country, you might need an apostille or further legalisation. This is a separate process and typically involves the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and possibly the embassy or consulate of the country where the document will be used.
Client Testimonial
When I received the translated report, I was impressed by the level of accuracy and attention to detail. The translator had taken care to ensure that all technical medical terms were properly translated and that the report was presented in a clear and concise manner. Thanks to their expertise, I was able to provide the translated report to my specialist with confidence, knowing that it accurately reflected my medical condition. I would highly recommend their services to anyone seeking a high-quality translation of a medical cardio report.”
- medical report
- translation
- healthcare
- medical translation
- medical terminology
- diagnosis
- treatment
- patient history
- clinical findings
- laboratory results
- medical imaging
- medication
- dosage
- side effects
- adverse reactions
- surgical procedures
- anatomy
- physiology
- pathology
- pharmacology
- medical ethics
- confidentiality
- accuracy
- cultural sensitivity
- professional translation
- medical jargon
- medical records
- interpreting
- language services
- multilingual healthcare
- medical communication
- medical interpretation
- translation technology
- quality assurance
- healthcare industry
- interpreting in the clinic